Over 8.7% of the average house building cost is in the Plumbing, Drainage, Fixtures & Fittings. Some Plumbers will do the underground Drainage systems including Stormwater & Sewer works. Usually the Builder will appoint a Drainage contractor for all underground works and a Plumber for all above ground works. Plumbers complete the water, gas and internal pipe work. The plumbers will install the Basins, Sinks, Taps, Toilets, Vents, Stacks, Hot water services & all Gas appliances. Plumbing stores provide a large range of Taps, Basins, Sinks, Appliances, Toilets, Bathroom Accessories, Hot water services, Mirrors and Shower screens to suit any project. For friendly advice and all your Plumbing, Fixtures and Fittings enquiries contact the following national and regional suppliers. 

Criteria when searching for Plumbing, Fixtures and Fittings

  • Ability to supply to specifications
  • Knowledge of Staff
  • Delivery ability
  • Showroom facilities
  • Reputation
  • Price
  • Range of Products

Organized Builders recommends the following suppliers for product, service and pric


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